Discover Voices From Around The World!

Last year, we introduced audio recording to our Photobooths, allowing voices to be amplified worldwide from Brazil to Ukraine. Now, Group Leaders are also incorporating audio testimonies in their Actions, giving every single person who participates in the Inside Out Project an opportunity to share their story.

Discover audio highlights from Actions around the world!

By Camille Rousselet

"A Portrait of Our Community", Parrish Museum of Art, Watermill, New York

Last October, 157 people visited our Photobooth Truck stationed outside the Parrish Museum. In addition to having their portraits taken, participants shared testimonies about their experience and sense of belonging within their community.

“A Portrait of Our Community” • 157 portraits • Watermill, New York, USA • October 2023

“I love it that this is a very layered community. There's so many different communities actually. There's not just one community and what I like about this particular place is that I can bring them all together.”

- Corinne, listen here.


"I SEE YOU SEE WE SEE", FORMAT Festival, Bentonville, Arkansas

“I SEE YOU SEE WE SEE” • 770 portraits • Bentonville, Arkansas, USA • September 2023

Last September, our Photobooth Truck captured the faces and voices of FORMAT festival-goers. Amidst the vibrant atmosphere of the event, participants were asked “What do you see?” Some of them shared how they felt as their portrait emerged from the truck.

Mitchell, from Athens, Georgia, explained:

“I recently moved back to Atlanta after 11 years in Brooklyn, New York. New York really allowed me to expand creatively and become confident in who I was. And you'll see that in the picture, with charisma. Something about getting your soul and being able to be confident in it is very powerful.” Listen here

Others, like Brandy, had some fun with their testimony, expressing their silly side, and we loved to hear it!

“I see a bad mamma jamma.” Listen here


Incorporating Audio Testimonies into Group Actions!

As our latest development, the Inside Out website currently displays audios linked to portraits only for Photobooth Actions. However, Group Leaders are also taking on the challenge to creatively incorporate participant testimonies into their Actions.

Last month, people of El Gancho in Zaragoza, Spain came together to celebrate the cultural and ethnic diversity of their neighborhood. After taking portraits, the Group Leaders sat down with each participant to record their experience living in the area. 

“Somos Zaragoza” • 50 portraits • Zaragoza, Spain • January 2024

During the installation showcasing 60 portraits, passers-by could dive into the story of the neighborhood by scanning the QR codes associated with each participant and listening to their unique audio testimony. 

From lifelong residents and local entrepreneurs to newcomers with a passion for the arts, each person shared their perspective on what Zaragoza means to them.

"My name is Alejandro Molano. I arrived in the neighborhood in the year 2021, in October. I came because it was the city that welcomed me to apply for asylum, and as an asylum seeker, I arrived with my bags on my shoulder and without a place to stay. [...], for me, Zaragoza, and particularly the El Gancho neighborhood, is family. It's about greeting each other, it's about taking care of each other. [...]"

- Alejandro, listen here

“Somos Zaragoza” • 50 portraits • Zaragoza, Spain • January 2024

This remarkable Action, which garnered media attention, is a beautiful example of the power that listening to others’ stories can have in nurturing community bonds and honoring the lived experiences of every individual. The Group Leaders even created a webpage to archive these stories!

Interested in bringing more visibility to your community and amplifying voices? Visit our website and email us at to lead your own Group Action!