Education, solidarity, hope

As the war in Ukraine rages, schools across the country are trying to maintain a sense of unity and solidarity thanks to the Inside Out project. Discover the testimony of a teacher in Kyiv...

Group Leader: Emmanuelle Gourdon
JULY, 5TH 2023

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, we have had the hope to bring together our students and our colleagues in the same place. We found ourselves abruptly separated due to the Russian invasion. Finding a sense of unity and solidarity seemed essential to us in this context.

This year, we proposed the Inside Out project to our students and our colleagues. While some of our students and staff are in Kyiv, others find themselves across different countries in Europe. This Action was therefore a way for us to bring together all the members of the school for a day, in the same place.

Some of our students discovered portraits and storytelling through JR's book "How Old Am I?". We were able to lead sessions on photography in order to discover this art.

This action allowed us to experience a strong moment together. The solidarity, the mutual help of everyone during the installation, and the portraits in the installation are proof that together, we can accomplish great things. This festive memory will resonate in our minds when we see the images of this Action. All the participants took pleasure in bringing this project to life. It is with great emotion that we were able to end this school year. The challenge of keeping a school year alive despite the war could be raised thanks to the resilience of all. Each person, student, teacher, staff, management, and parent has all noted this challenge of keeping the school alive. The Inside Out project has guided us throughout the year. Each small step validated allowed us to hope to reach the final project.

Some student quotes...
Mark (CE2): “I was happy to take part in this. the installation and to be at school with everyone! The Anne School in Kyiv is still open!”
Florian (CE2): “It was nice to invite middle and high school students and kindergartens, and for the school to be open.”
Michelle (CE1): “What I liked the most? It’s the sports course and the ice cream. I also liked the makeup. I liked taking the group photo.”
Maria (CE1): “I liked dancing and singing in front of the parents. The ice cream was very good. I was a little scared before the theater but when I saw my parents in the audience, the fear disappeared.”
Michael (CP): “I enjoyed posting the portraits.”
Mira (CP): “I liked all portraits and preparations for the installation. I liked that the middle and high school students came and participated with us because they helped us.”
Nikol (CP): “I love my portrait and Mira's portrait. I loved this day because we participated in a day of celebration with theatre, dance, songs, games, and the Inside Out project.”
Svyatoslav (CP): “I loved it. that day because there was a picnic, ice cream, and food! I liked the photo of Nikol and Vira, because they make funny faces, and those funny faces are really scary. I’ve helped to prepare the installation and thanks to my ninja socks, I helped to put the tape. What I liked that it’s the whole school’s project.”
Vira (CP): “I liked taking pictures and I liked that we pasted all the portraits together.”
Emmanuelle (first-grade teacher): “I loved it participating in this Inside Out project, and working as a team with my colleagues and students. We lead this project and succeeded in carrying out this Action thanks to everyone’s commitment, solidarity; and the desire to share this beautiful project. Thanks to JR and the Inside Out team for allowing us to live this moment and allowing us to express ourselves at home through these portraits.”
Clémence (CM class teacher): “I loved participating in this unifying project. We have come to bring together our community and students from 3 to 3 years old 17 years old, teachers, and school staff. All those people who make the school run today.
It was a real pleasure to see middle and high school students take the hand of a very young child to take him to display his portrait and show him that he too is part of this big family that we represent. We lived a very beautiful moment, all smiling, fulfilled, and happy in spire of all the circumstances that would prevent us from seeing all of these portraits and proudly carrying our message of solidarity, sharing, and commitment 

Thanks to my colleagues in charge of the project, thanks to JR, the Inside Out team for their dynamism and efficiency, and the PinchukArtCentre team for their support.”