Monumental Photobooth Action in Kyiv, Ukraine!

A specially designed Photobooth will be at the PinchukArtCentre in Kyiv from June 30, 2023 to January 7, 2024 for the Action We Are Here! (Ми тут!).

Carmen Herrera Lawrence
JUNE, 23RD 2023

At a time of immense hardship and systemic threat to life in Ukraine, the Action Inside Out Kyiv: We Are Here! (Ми тут!) invites Ukrainians to come together for a moment of joy, positivity, and free expression. For six months, an Inside Out Photobooth will be stationed on the second floor of PinchukArtCentre, a contemporary art center in Kyiv. The Action invites visitors to express themselves in a portrait to share the message: We are here.

Participants are invited to enter an audio recording station next to the Photobooth and share their response to the question “What does, ‘We are here’ mean to you?” The recorded responses will eventually be available on the Inside Out Kyiv Photobooth Action page alongside all the participants’ portraits. Together, they will create an audio collage of Ukrainians in Ukraine for the world to discover. 

Portraits of people from all over Kyiv and other cities in Ukraine will be pasted on the walls of PinchukArtCentre, welcoming visitors to step into the Photobooth and offering inspiration for how each participant can express themselves through their pose. In addition, PinchukArtCentre invites schools, local communities, families, individuals, and even groups of friends from all over Ukraine to create their own Inside Out installations in their neighborhoods. Groups are welcome to visit the Photobooth and then take their portraits back to their community to paste the posters in a public space and spread the message: We Are Here!

This momentous Photobooth will show the strength of the Ukrainian community. All Ukrainians are invited to take a stand together and declare: Ukraine and Ukraine’s future are theirs.