JR and the Inside Out Project recently launched a new book, published by Phaidon, under the title ‘How old I am?’ 100 people from 100 different countries were invited to participate and tell their stories in a way that will help children from all over the world count from 1 to 100 in a new way.
The beautiful black-and-white portraits let kids aged 4-8 gain visual insight into how the appearance of a teenager might differ from, say, a parent or a grandparent, while the texts detail each individual’s personal experiences, wishes, memories, and emotions, leaving readers with an appreciation and understanding of life’s gifts and challenges, as well as a good grasp of the ageing process.
The entire globe is covered, from El Salvador to South Korea, Barbados to Zimbabwe. The book is an easy read for both parents and early learners, and makes for a great conversation starter about where kids were born, where they want to grow up, and who they might want to be when they get older.