Participate in the Nationwide Action: "Inside Out - Publish the ERA" !

The Nationwide Action “Inside Out - Publish the ERA” aims to bring the history and conversation about the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to streets across the USA. You can add your face to this movement by creating your own Action!  

Carmen Herrera Lawrence
APRIL, 5TH 2024

In 1923, American suffragist Alice Paul wrote the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which declares: “Equality of rights, under the law, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.” In 2020, almost a hundred years after it was first introduced in Congress, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the ERA, achieving the three-fourths requirement for the amendment to become part of the United States Constitution. Yet, today the ERA has still not been published as the 28th Amendment, spurring an important legal and policy debate that gains urgency with each passing month.

The Nationwide Action “Inside Out - Publish the ERA” aims to bring the history and conversation about the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to streets across the USA. Through this Action, EQUAL MEANS EQUAL invites the public to participate in a countrywide call for equality.

You can add your face to this movement by creating your own Action to create a visual petition that urges the President of the United States to make the call to officially publish the ERA and make history!

Take Action: Rally your local community around publishing the ERA.

All you need to do is take portraits of at least 50 people (local community members, neighbors, friends, family) and submit them through the Inside Out website. The Inside Out team will then transform the images into black-and-white posters that will be shipped back to you to paste in the streets of your community.

Follow the steps below to create a local Action as part of “Inside Out - Publish the ERA." 

1) Create your account on our website using this link.

2) Once you've reviewed our guidelines, you can register your Group Action here.

For your Action title write: Inside Out - Publish the ERA / YOUR CITY NAME. You can adapt the following Action statement to fit your community’s context:

The Nationwide Action “Inside Out - Publish the ERA” aims to bring the history and conversation about the ERA to streets across the USA. Through our portraits, we express the change they want to see in our country and uphold shared values of liberty, equality, and justice for all regardless of sex or gender. Our installation serves as a reminder that behind policies lie a diverse array of human stories that illustrate our shared pursuit of dignity and equality under the law. As Alice Paul famously said, “I always feel the movement is a sort of mosaic. Each of us puts in one little stone, and then you get a great mosaic at the end.” Together, our movement’s mosaics of faces paint a portrait of present-day American society as a visual petition that urges the President of the United States to make the call to officially publish the ERA and make history.

In 1923, American suffragist Alice Paul wrote the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which declares: “Equality of rights, under the law, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.” In 2020, almost a hundred years after it was first introduced in Congress, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the ERA, achieving the three-fourths requirement for the amendment to become part of the United States Constitution. Yet, today the ERA has still not been published as the 28th Amendment, spurring an important legal and policy debate that gains urgency with each passing month.

Once you've registered, our website will ask you to schedule a call with the Inside Out team to walk you through the Action process and answer any questions you may have.

Stay tuned for updates about this Action!  Learn more about the ERA here.

See what other communities around the world have accomplished by checking out the Explore page on the Inside Out website! For more details about the project check out our FAQ.

Group Action "La culture fait le mur!,” Group Leader: Alba Joanicot, Fresnes, France, 2021

Inside Out lives on thanks to the generosity of our participants. We encourage a contribution of 20 US Dollars per poster in order to cover printing and shipping costs and ensure a future for the Project. We recognize this amount is out of reach for many, so feel free to give a smaller amount as all donations are welcome! 

*Inside Out cannot be used for any commercial purposes, or be affiliated with promoting any organization, NGO, product, company, political party, fundraising, or brand in any way. Our goal is to focus on personal stories and statements, not on the actions of a specific organization or parties. Sponsors should remain anonymous and no logos, brands, or products may be used in conjunction with any Group Action or its documentation. The Inside Out Project cannot be used for any lucrative purposes. Posters cannot be sold for money.